Erotic Cuddling

Cuddling should be considered the gateway to sexuality. Many of us take cuddling for granted.  But, I don't. Feeling that embrace after a stressful week can be intoxicating.

What makes erotic cuddling more intense is it is done with just your undercloths on or nude.  

Four factors to erotic cuddling:

  • Done with just your underclothes on or nude

  • Skin-to-skin contact is the key to erotic cuddling. The basic feeling can be intoxicating.

  • Acceptance of how your and your partner's body responds. Rarely, you won't become turned on. Your nipples, penis becoming erect, or vagina becoming damp.

  • Learning how to control your sexual urges. Being able to be super turned on and leave it at that.

What to expect from an Erotic cuddle session:

  • Acceptance

  • A safe space to undress and embrace

  • Be in the moment

  • Be able to accept how your body responds.  

  • Even though our clothes are off, these are not sexual sessions. No sex occurs during these sessions. However, if you find that you are super turned on, I won't stop you if you need to masturbate after the session.

These cuddle sessions are not for everyone. But, if you are new to kink or first starting your sexual journey. Cuddle sessions are a great gatekeeper to get your feet wet.

a white couple cuddling in a bed